Shri Ashok Kumar Malhotra, our founder, strongly believed in taking action and making things happen. We have redefined MBD by valuing every act of kindness of each MBDian as MY BEST DEEDS.
Our CSR initiatives have always reflected the Group’s philanthropic commitment to the marginalised and underprivileged. This year onwards, all our efforts will be managed under ‘MY BEST DEEDS’ by a dedicated Volunteer Committee and supported by the respective Corporate Social Responsibility champions across all verticals. This initiative will support, encourage and provide help for the most vulnerable.
Beyond our business endeavours, we at MBD Group comprehend our responsibility towards the environment and civic life. Giving back what we get from society is not enough; we believe in making a difference in the lives of the people by taking initiatives and being the change.
Whether responding to new-age educational needs, supporting girl child education, addressing natural disasters, or maintaining clean rivers, we wholeheartedly lend our support to all significant social causes and responsibilities.
MBD Group set up a state-of-the-art AASOKA Robotics & Coding Lab and Language Lab at Sain Dass Anglo Sanskrit Sr. Sec. School, Jalandhar.